Conrado Giulietti

Conrado Giulietti is 38-years-old journalist masters in Social Communication, with post graduation in Business Management.
Former Executive Editor and Product Manager at ESPN Brazil.
Former TV and Radio reporter and host at ESPN.
Former Radio host at Radio Globo / CBN in Brazil.
As a reporter, he has produced multimedia content around sports events and tournaments in South America for almost 15 years, including the Brazilian Grand Prix of Formula 1 in 5 years.
Covered on-site both the 2010 (South Africa) and 2014 (Brazil) Fifa World Cup, The London 2012 Summer Olympics and the Uefa Champions League Final in 2011 (Wembley).
Creator and host of the podcast “Playbook Central 3” – weekly content 100% dedicated to American football.
Founder and director of “Food Ball League”, a company that produces multi-media content related to food – consumed or inspired by sports.



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